Wild Things and a Tribute to Nilsson's "The Point!"

>> Monday, August 17, 2009

Beloved children's books! Beloved children's cartoons! Oh boy! October is going to be a quite a month. First, Where the Wild Things Are finally comes out on October 16th:

There's even an excerpt of Dave Eggers' Where the Wild Things Are screenplay / novelization available courtesy of The New Yorker.

On Oct. 27th, we get a tribute to Harry Nilsson's The Point!, one of my all-time favorite records and movies. Featuring covers from Devotchka, Martha Wainwright, Andrew Bird and more, you can stream the songs here:

The record benefits Eggers' 826NYC, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting literacy and writing skills to kids in NYC and beyond.

Speaking of totalitarian cultural regimes (and yes, that's essentially what The Point! is about), I'm flying through Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn - a novel about the gradual outlawing of the alphabet on the fictional island of Nollop - and it scares the hell out of me for some reason. I highly recommend it for the subversive and literate (or even literally subversive), especially at a whopping $5 from The Strand.


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