Popular Penguins: Retro Penguin Books Styling

>> Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm a sucker for punchy, to-the-point design, and old paperbacks from the early 60s are a great example. Penguin's division in Australia recently started re-issuing a collection of classic and modern books with the retro cover treatment, and sales have more than doubled their projections.

I love any story where books sell well -- take a look:
The series of 50 books - 25 fiction and 25 non-fiction were redesigned to recall Penguin's first paperbacks, published in the 30s. Then, the softcovers were colour coded - orange books were fiction, blue for non-fiction. The new retro Penguins all carry the same orange cover.

"If you're standing looking at those books you know
subconsciously or by implication that all of these books are going
to be OK," said Peter Blake, the company's Australian sales
director who conceived the idea of the series.

"Even if you've not heard of Geoffrey Robertson's Crimes
Against Humanity
you think, 'It's part of the collection, I
trust the brand and it's surrounded by all these other classics by
authors like Waugh or Fitzgerald so it must be OK.' "

To have a look at the entire series, visit Popular Penguins.

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